Steps to transfer job site loss pictures to BRS using Xact 28.3
- Transfer your pictures from your camera to the file location on your system where you presently store your Pic's.
- Open up Xactimate, make a new file for the loss, input your header, price list, opening statement, insured info, etc. Into file, set up
- Go to Images tab, (top right), third from right near print tab, open the tab
- Go to bottom right, load images tab, select images window opens.
- Go to Look in bar, to locate where you store your pictures.
- Click on the first picture, (there will be a blue box around the Picture), hold down the shift key, use your mouse to right blue scroll down bar to locate the last picture you wish to attach and click that one as well. (All the selected Pics will have a blue box around it).
- Click on the Open Tab, lower right, click.
- All selected pictures will be copied into the estimate. Press ok, the images window closes.
- Go to top right, save and exit estimate.
- Go to your desktop; make two new folders, example "transfers to BRSCAT, & transfers from BRSCAT". Where you store the .esx files
- In Xactimate, Projects tab may be highlighted. If not, do so; locate the new file you wish to send to BRSCAT, highlight that file.
- Go to Data transfer tab, top right, click to open. Data Transfer Project window opens.
- Highlight the Folder button and the Send button. The Path bar window may be blank.
- Using the browse button, locate the folder that you have already set up on the desktop. "Transfer to BRS".
- Click on the ok button, then click on ok again, the transfer process happens.
- Once transfer is done a window opens, "Data Transfer Operation Complete". Click ok, now the file to transfer is in the transfer to BRSCAT folder.
- Open up your email to/and send an email to, attach the desired file from a transfer to BRSCAT folder.
- BRSCAT now has the .esx file shell with your pictures, and can commence to build your estimate.
- BRSCAT if requested could also develop the rebuild estimate with some additional information which you can supply.
- Now Fax or scan/email copies of all field notes, sketches, and the customer loss sheet details to BRSCAT fax number.
- Your estimate will now be prepared.